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Naglalaglagan Din Pala Yung Mga Coders Ng Bawat Gsm Tool Basa


Bios Access
Jul 29, 2014
YellowBoss;11796752]Dear Faisal_Computer !

Bad luck I can not reply well, thread is closed :(

At first let me tell you that we have really nothing against you. You was our good friend and I hope you will be our good friend also in future.
And I can undertand your such big text after you see how is your coders fail in their copy/paste process. I mean this thread.
I understand you well - you are Product Manager and you trust in your coders very much but when you see that they makes stupid things you become mad. Trust me, you are the same as me. When I see that somebody want to lie I become mad so I completely undrstand why you become mad when you see such stupid mistake of your coders.
Anyway let me repeat - I completely understand you, my friend !

As I can see you have deep thoughts about us. Let me make things clear (with your help). And I promise - if you will help me to solve this situation we will have really serious discussion with our team members who copy/paste you work (if any) !

Any proof please ?
I really need it because if you are right - we have overpaid to coders and they must get a penalty.

Did you tried to find a copy/paster RAT inside these 8 people ?
Try to do it ASAP, this helps to save reputation.

Any proof please ? (Please real proof but not fake, like ADB instead of direct memory access etc.)

Please block ours if you are sure we take your work.

- Somethins its too hard to understand who is who because last several years all software at market looks like CM2 (text, logs, buttons etc.).
- Are you sure they have so poor knowledge ?

"Log text" is a face of your software and a face of your team. If you copy/paste even face... Please make some changes in your face, this helps you to make your software unique.

Yes please, do it, this helps us to make serious discussion with coders.

Do you really think they are too lame ?

Yes please, post it. We want to know truth and what people really think.

There are no any reason for private discussion. Our aim is to stop copy/pasting from any side (yours, ours and others) so I am sure public discussion will be very useful.

Regarding first test report where "CM2 fail but Inferno is Ok".
I think your coders make a trick with you again, and they gives you wrong example.
Do you know the difference in "direct phone access" and "ADB to rooted revice" ?
I think somebody (your coder or your beta tester) makes you confused just to smile on you.

Really, I am veryt sad to see that you have found so stupid beta tester who even do not know the differentce in direct phone access and root via ADB. Please find more smart beta-tester.

Also if you can give us an answers to other questions wi will be vert thankful to you for your help and cooperation !
I am sure you want to stop any copy/pasting (from any side) the same as me !

Here is a message copy for emergency case;