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Please Read!!!! The True of MiracleTeam!!


Jun 12, 2014
usapang teck lang ha pero para sa sa akin totoo
ang dali kase ma crack din ang software nila eh

You know why Miracle Team fails on almost every phone ???
You know why Miracle Team bangs Boxes ??
You know why Miracle Team Deletes Post from users ???

They know why in ForumGSMHosting the section of Miracle Team there are only Successful Reports !!!

Miracle Team creates Tools and Modules to earn more money, they even created another box called FalconBox, which resides almost the same phone support as MiracleBox but with delay, however, it seems that they go hungry and the money did not give them and decided to take a new dongle called MiracleThunder, this is not more than the same software of MiracleBox with 3 new modules, the one that does not have MiracleThunder has to pay for those modules too !!!!

Now, these tools fail in almost all supported models! Why?? Well, MiracleTeam is a team that are truly good at something! and it's STEALING !!!! They steal the programming of others, copy other computers to impudence, but as bad programmers leave 70% of errors in their tool, they do Ingeneria-Inverse to other softwares and do not capture the development well !!!!
Another thing is that they do not prove the solution they create !!!
If I publish this post in your section, they immediately delete it, because they do not accept being told the truth, they do not accept that users see the post and how they humiliate them, and if they find out about the ID of your box, they ban it! , when I bought MiracleTeam I read good recommendations in their section, every post I read was a Successful Report, I said to myself inside, this box is great, it does all kinds of work and it never fails, I saw videos on youtube of how you work with it and for the fact of having one more box in case of emergency that others failed me with the phones decided to buy me

All my bitterness began when some phones failed, did not connect well, MiracleBox did not see the phone while other boxes if, InfinityCM2, NCK, Inferno !, or wanting to format a phone or remove the Patron MiracleBox failed, then as any user of ForumGSMHosting, I went to the section of the box, in this case, MiracleBox and raised my question, I did it for 2 things, the first was to see find the solution, see where the fault was, if it was mine or was the software of MiracleTeam and the other one is that if it was their problem to alert them [help them] that such a phone model was giving error and correct it in the next update !! I waited 2 hours and there was no answer from my post, at 3 o'clock the post did not exist in ForumGSMHosting, so it happened to me with all the post I published, then I started to draw my conclusions, MiracleBox is a scam !!!! to any section of any box and you read all kinds of things, "Questions, Problems, Solutions" enter the section of MiracleTeam and see what I say

After alot of thread deleted i decide to open thread where this fake team cant delete it. Cant understand how some peoples dont have shame at all, they tell a lie to members and steal their money. Shame of human and ooze of society.

Any Way like alot of other they will get what they deserve.
Simply Login on their Forum remeber those names warn members and never buy anything where any of them is involved ..


I Didnt break any Rule , mine post was simple with question of
"To much activation asks from Miracle, does they deserve"
After members write that Miracle is Worthless they immediately delete thread.


To avoid cheatters pretending that Photo is modifyed by Photoshop


BTW If they want to play in this way let give them what they deserve ;)

There are cracked versions outside 2.27A Work Perfect
There are 2.54 , 2.58 2.65 version too with some bugs .

Normally they contains malware inside so use on second PC that has no personal information, AV , ect just for working purposes

Keep deleting mine threads , for each deleted thread i will repost this same thread on 100 another GSM Forums , let see then how you will delete threads in future.

PM For download link and description of 2.27A.
Waiting for working 2.65 too, when dunno.

No respect for thives and thread deleters WO Reason..

complain to miracle team

miracle team delete my threads
i have box activated
check here


i made screen shot of box with SN showed
what is the problem