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Admin position is now occupied

Congrats on admin AnDRez well deserved!

Congrats on admin AnDRez well deserved!

A few weeks ago, we were thanking Admin Rannis for his dedication to the community during his time as administrator.

Today, I am VERY happy to welcome you admin AnDRez Congratulations to you
A great friend, and always willing to lend a hand with anything for anyone

To some of you it may seem that AnDRez is being promoted too fast, but he has earned it. AnDRez is a trustworthy individual who has put forth time and effort into ever improving the antgsm forum, and has shown lots of interest in making the antgsm forum a better place.

Keep up the good work, and try not to burn out too quickly!! (l:0(l:0(l:0
i am proud to announce that we have a new Admin here at antgsm
please give a warm welcome to
Restie Ocampo



CONGRATS po sa inyo boss ADMIN ANDREZ :-bd